Caves Beach OOSH & Vacation Care
Caves Beach OOSH & Vacation Care operates from the "Green Shed" at Swansea High School, Park Avenue, Caves Beach.
It services Caves Beach and St Patricks Swansea for the OOSH Service.
It services Caves Beach and St Patricks Swansea for the OOSH Service.
Swansea OOSH
Swansea OOSH operates from the "Channel House" at Swansea Public School, Rawson Street, Swansea.
(Out of School Hours)
Two centres operate for Out of School Hours Care for local school children.
Hours of Operation
Before School 7am until 9.30am
After School 2.30pm - 6pm
Our service provides care for school age children between the ages of 41/2 (enrolled in school) to 12 year olds.
Children can start at the centre immediately upon enrolment.
Priority is given to parents working or studying although all school age children are welcome to attend.